5 Church St. Proctor, VT 05763
Sunday Worship  Service 10:00 AM
Church Office - (802) 459-3624



Union Church of Proctor is open for worship in our beautiful sanctuary. Services are held on Sundays at 10:00 a.m.  Masks are optional. 

You may also worship with us via Zoom (online or by phone). Please email:
unionchurchproctor@gmail.com or call the church at 802-459-3624 to be added to our email list for online services information. 
Be well, and we look forward to worshipping with you!



We are an interdenominational church grounded in the Protestant tradition of Christianity.
We strive to:

   * give loving service to all people,
   * seek righteousness, justice,
     good will and peace. 

   * foster forgiveness and compassion.
   * provide fellowship and unity
     for all.

No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here!

We provide a dinner for the residents of the Rutland Dismas House on the 1st Wednesday of every month.  The meal usually includes a main dish, vegetable or salad, rolls or bread, and a dessert for around 8-10 people.  Sharing the food and conversation around the table with the residents and a staff member is very much appreciated; or, if you aren't able to stay, your dish can easily be dropped off on the Dismas House back porch by 5:30 PM.  If you would like to provide a dish for the meal, please contact the church at unionchurchproctor@gmail.com the week before.  

Be sure to check the CHURCH NEWSLETTER and CALENDAR for details of events going on at Union Church.  We wouldn't want you to miss anything!





Please bring your non-perishable food items to church on the 4th Sunday of each month. All donations will be delivered to the Pittsford Proctor Food Shelf to assist our neighbors who struggle with food insecurity.


  • Do we have your current email?
  • Do we have your current cell phone or home phone #?
  • Do we have your birthday so we can add you to the birthday list?
  • Would you prefer not to have you information in the upcoming new directory? Please let us know that, too.
Email your info to Kris at:  
Thank you!


Do you like to sew? Do you enjoy chatting, laughing, and learning something new? The UCP Quilters have a number of possible projects to work on. No matter your experience or skill level, we’d love to have you join us. Check back here for the date of our next gathering.  We may work on fidget quilts, or comfort quilts, or maybe another runner for the communion table.  All are welcome!

PLEASE NOTE:  The 2024-2025 edition of the Rutland County Community Phone Book contains an incorrect listing for Union Church.  In the alphabetized listing in the White Pages and in the "Churches" section of the Yellow Pages, Union Church of Proctor should be listed at 5 Church St., Proctor with a phone number of 802-459-3624.